Campus SaVE Act

The Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act, or Campus SaVE Act (SaVE), is a 2013 amendment to the federal Jeanne Clery Act. SaVE was designed by advocates along with victims/survivors and championed by a bi-partisan coalition in Congress as a companion to Title IX that will help bolster the response to and prevention of sexual violence in higher education. President Obama signed the measure into law as part of the Violence Against Women Re authorization Act of 2013 on March 7, 2013.

SaVE requires colleges and universities, both public and private, participating in federal student aid programs (covering virtually every campus in the United States) to increase transparency about the scope of sexual violence on campus, guarantee victims enhanced rights, provide for standards in institutional conduct proceedings, and provide campus community wide prevention educational programming.

As part of compliance with this act, all employees will be required to complete a training module on this topic. A link to the training module will be emailed to all employees.

Sex Offender Information

In accordance with the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000 (“Act”), the College is providing to its campus community a link to the National Sex Offender Public Website and North Carolina Sex Offender and Public Protection Registry (“Registry”). The Act requires the College to issue a statement advising the campus community where law enforcement information provided by North Carolina concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained. The Act also requires sex offenders already required to register in North Carolina to provide notice of each institution of higher education in North Carolina at which the person is employed.

Registered sex offenders are prohibited from entering College buildings, or sections of buildings, intended primarily for the teaching, use, or supervision of minors. The President may designate which buildings, or sections of buildings, are intended for the teaching, use or supervision of minors (i.e. day cares, early college).


Kimberly Hill
Dean of Student Services/
Title IX Coordinator

Administration (Building 003)
Room 140C
Phone: (252) 527-6223, ext. 301
Fax: (252) 233-6893

Tasha Johnson
Director of Human Resources/
Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Administration (Building 003)
Room 121I
Phone: (252) 527-6223, ext. 397
Fax: (252) 233-6898