College News

2022 N.C. high school graduates enrolling in community college could receive tuition assistance through Longleaf Commitment Grant

August 12th, 2022|Categories: College News, College News and Events|

Students in North Carolina who graduated high school in 2022 are eligible to have tuition and fees covered at any of the state’s 58 community colleges through the Longleaf Commitment Grant.

LCC ranks seventh in the nation in 2022 Edition of 50 Best Community Colleges in America by SmartAsset

July 11th, 2022|Categories: College News, College News and Events|

Lenoir Community College has been ranked seventh in the nation in the 2022 Edition of 50 Best Community Colleges in America by SmartAsset. LCC President Dr. Rusty Hunt said he is appreciative that the College received the recognition.