LCC holds 60th Commencement
It was a night of cheers and tears of joy as more than 300 graduates walked the stage at Lenoir Community College to receives degrees in the College’s Sixtieth Annual Commencement in the Student Center.
It was a night of cheers and tears of joy as more than 300 graduates walked the stage at Lenoir Community College to receives degrees in the College’s Sixtieth Annual Commencement in the Student Center.
Lenoir Community College will hold its sixtieth commencement at 7 p.m. May 5 in the Student Center with Greg Lassiter as the guest speaker. Admission to the ceremony is by ticket only as seating is limited. More than 400 graduates are eligible to receive degrees.
Lenoir Community College will hold a Disaster Preparedness Event from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 29 in and near the Health Sciences Building on campus.
The family of Donald “Donnie” Civils, Jr. has established a scholarship at Lenoir Community College through its Foundation in memory of him. The Donald “Donnie” Civils, Jr. Memorial Scholarship was established to help a GED graduate transition to a curriculum program of study.
Have you heard the great news?? Lenoir Community College-Jones County Campus Barber Program is now open. Start date for this class will be 21 March @9am.
Help us reach our goal of donating 35 units! Sign up for an appointment by going to and look up Lenoir Community College to schedule your appointment!
To kick off Women's History Month, we're running weekly trivia videos on our Facebook page! Every Friday, check to see what the trivia question is! If you are the first to guess correctly, you'll win a prize!
Leigh and John McNairy have always been champions of education and have supported Lenoir Community College since its early beginning. Most recently, the McNairys have donated $1 million to the LCC Foundation in support of students’ education for generations to come.
The Rickie Allen Pearson, Jr. Memorial Scholarship was recently awarded to Lenoir Community College Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) graduate Hailey Daniels, an officer with the Kinston Police Department.
Vickie Polk is a member of the Office Administration/Medical Office Administration Advisory Board at Lenoir Community College. A new program introduced at the Fall 2020 board meeting sparked her interest. The program was the Certified Medical Administration Assistant (CMAA) program, which is a collaborative effort with Continuing Education. Polk who is currently employed at Kinston