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Donald “Donnie” Civils, Jr. scholarship established at Lenoir Community College

March 14th, 2022|Categories: College News, College News and Events|

The family of Donald “Donnie” Civils, Jr. has established a scholarship at Lenoir Community College through its Foundation in memory of him. The Donald “Donnie” Civils, Jr. Memorial Scholarship was established to help a GED graduate transition to a curriculum program of study.

McNairys Donate $1 Million to LCC – Library renamed the Leigh and John McNairy Library

February 28th, 2022|Categories: College News, College News and Events|

Leigh and John McNairy have always been champions of education and have supported Lenoir Community College since its early beginning. Most recently, the McNairys have donated $1 million to the LCC Foundation in support of students’ education for generations to come.

Advisory Board Member discovers program to further her education

February 18th, 2022|Categories: College News, College News and Events, Student Success|

Vickie Polk is a member of the Office Administration/Medical Office Administration Advisory Board at Lenoir Community College. A new program introduced at the Fall 2020 board meeting sparked her interest. The program was the Certified Medical Administration Assistant (CMAA) program, which is a collaborative effort with Continuing Education. Polk who is currently employed at Kinston