College News

LCC partners with Carteret CC

September 25th, 2020|Categories: College News, College News and Events|

Lenoir Community College (LCC) partnered with Carteret Community College (CCC) in providing face shields for eight CCC Work-Based Learning students. Pictured left to right are Warren Moore, LCC Dean of Business and Industry, Kathy Foster, Chair, Human Services Technology Program at CCC and Matthew Berg, LCC Director of the Aerospace and Advanced Manufacturing Center and Chair,

Nicholas E. Harvey Sr. appointed to Lenoir Community College Board of Trustees

September 23rd, 2020|Categories: College News, College News and Events|

Governor Roy Cooper announced that he appointed Nicholas E. Harvey, Sr. to the Lenoir Community College Board of Trustees as a member-at-large.  “We are all looking forward to working with Mr. Harvey as a member of the Board of Trustees. As a long-standing and well-respected member of our community, he will bring a wealth of

Free community college courses available to high school students through Career and College Promise

August 13th, 2020|Categories: College News, College News and Events, Student News|

Free online classes are available to area high school students this fall at Lenoir Community College through the innovative Career & College Promise (CCP) dual enrollment program. According to the North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS), about 59,000 high school students across the state took CCP courses, saving them time and money toward a college

LCC’s Cars for College presents new car to its first recipient

August 11th, 2020|Categories: College News, College News and Events, Student News|

It’s not every day that a person can be in the right place at the right time, but for Devan Shackleford of Kinston that’s where he found himself recently. Shackleford becomes the first recipient of a vehicle awarded through the Lenoir Community College Cars for College program.