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Is Distance Education for me?

June 28th, 2018|Categories: |

Distance education courses require that you have access to a computer with a high speed internet connection along with the ability to print, if needed. You will also need to have a backup computer in case your primary computer is not working. The backup computer can be any computer with a high speed internet connection

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What are some characteristics of a successful Internet student?

June 28th, 2018|Categories: |

Mature Independent/Self-motivated Self-directed/Focused Disciplined/Organized Able to study independently Dependable/Responsible Studious/Above Average Able to Read and Write Well Able to Think Critically and Solve Problems Timely in Keeping Up With Assignments Dedicated/Committed/Goal Oriented A successful Distance Learning student is one who has: Access to a computer with Internet access Access to software needed for courses, such as

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What are some of my responsibilities as an Internet student?

June 28th, 2018|Categories: |

Internet courses allow the student the freedom to receive instruction at his or her own time and place; however, this freedom comes with MUCH GREATER responsibility. The student becomes almost completely responsible for his or her own time management. There is no set class time, so the student MUST set aside time to participate in the

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What types of distance learning opportunities are there at LCC?

June 28th, 2018|Categories: |

Distance education is designed to meet the of various populations through flexible, alternative delivery methods including Internet, hybrid, and blended courses. Synchronous video-conferencing sessions may be scheduled for all course delivery methods. Distance education students follow the same guidelines for application and registration as traditional students. In addition, identical academic standards, criteria, content, quality, and student

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What is Distance Education?

June 28th, 2018|Categories: |

Distance Education is a term used to describe the teaching and learning process that takes place when the instructor and student are separated by place and/or time. Distance delivery methods are particularly suited to students who find it difficult to attend regular on-campus courses because of schedule conflicts, family and work responsibilities, or travel barriers. Distance

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