Applying for Graduation

Application for graduation must be made by the deadline shown in the College calendar. Students should obtain a program evaluation signed by their advisor. It is to be submitted along with an Application for Graduation to the Registrar’s Office by the deadline. Students who do not submit graduation applications will not be graduated so it is important that students submit an application on time. Students who miss the deadline should contact their advisor as soon as possible to complete the graduation. Late applicants may not be allowed to participate in graduation, and may have a waiting period for the posting of graduation on the student’s transcript and the processing of the diploma.

All college financial obligations must be met.

A minimum of 25% of the credit hours or 9 credit hours (whichever is greater) required for completion of a program must have been earned through instruction offered by Lenoir Community College.

Required courses and electives must be completed in accordance with one of the programs listed in the catalog with a major grade point average of at least 2.00.

Graduation Preparation
Graduation Application
Duplicate Diploma Form

Graduation is held once a year at the end of the spring term. Students who completed a program that spring, the previous fall, or the previous summer will be allowed to participate. Participation is not required but is encouraged. Graduates will be mailed their diplomas within a month after the end of the term.

Duplicate or replacement curriculum diplomas can be ordered free of charge by completing the Duplicate Diploma Form and faxing or mailing to the Registrar’s Office.

Students graduating from the High School Equivalency Diploma or Adult High School programs must contact Transitional and Career Studies at 252-527-6223, ext. 738 for more information. Graduates from these programs will be mailed their diplomas.


Kamesha Wilson

Administration (Building 003)
Room 133A
Phone: (252) 527-6223, ext. 373
Fax: (252) 233-6895

Taylor Walters
Assistant Registrar

Administration (Building 003)
Room 133
Phone: (252) 527-6223, ext. 306
Fax: (252) 233-6895