Registrar’s Office

Degree Verification
The National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) is now our authorized agent for providing degree verification for curriculum degrees. If you are an employer or background screening firm requesting this information please contact the National Student Clearinghouse or the National Student Clearinghouse Verification Services or call at 703-742-4200. The Clearinghouse meets all FERPA requirements and can accommodate requests immediately. Continuing Education certificates and degrees can be verified by calling the Continuing Education department at 252-527-6223, ext. 722.

Enrollment Verification
A student may submit an Enrollment Verification Form to obtain an enrollment certificate to mail to a health insurer or other company that requests proof of his/her enrollment. Requests are normally processed on a daily basis. Complete the Enrollment Verification Form and submit to the Registrar’s Office by mail, fax, or in person. The form must be signed by the person whose records are being requested.

Student Forms
Forms that may be of interest to prospective or current students. All forms listed here are in PDF format and require the use of the Adobe Reader to view.