Lancer Career Connections
Lancer Career Connections, Work-Based Learning, is designed to enable students to earn college credit for jobs that are learning experiences. Jobs must be related to the curriculum in which students are enrolled.

Who is eligible?
Students must have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and must have completed 9 semester hours within a program of study.

Ways to Participate
- Work part time while attending school full time
- Work 10 hours a week for 1 semester for 1 hour of credit
- Work 20 hours a week for 1 semester for 2 hours of credit

What’s the next step?
- Call/come by
- Make an appointment to discuss interests & placement opportunities
- Prepare a resume
Official Job Resource
Check out LCC’s official job resource and resume system available 24/7 to students, alumni, and employers!
Create and upload your resume and career portfolio to make available to employers. Access our events calendar, and career/job search advice documents, podcasts, videos and more.
Employers search for talented students and alumni and post unlimited jobs for free.