Graphic Design, AAS

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Program Intro

The Graphic Design curriculum–A30100 is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for employment in the graphic design profession which emphasizes design, advertising, marketing, and illustration for printed and digital media. Students will be trained in the creative process and application of design principles for advertisements, branding, corporate identity, layouts, typography, visual assets, custom graphics, self-promotional material, and preparation of files for printed and digital distribution. Graduates should qualify for employment opportunities with design, branding, advertising agencies, signage and printing companies, organizations with in-house marketing operations, freelance work, and entrepreneurial opportunities.

Curriculum Preview


  • GRA 121 – Graphic Arts I
    This course introduces terminology, tools and materials, procedures, and equipment used in graphic arts production.
  • GRD 141 – Graphic Design I
    This course introduces the conceptualization process used in visual problem-solving.


  • GRA 152 – Computer Graphics II
    This course covers advanced design and layout concepts utilizing illustration, page layout, and imaging software in graphic arts.
  • GRD 142 – Graphic Design II
    This course covers the application of visual elements and design principles in advertising and graphic design.


  • ART 111 – Art Appreciation
    This course introduces the origins and historical development of art.
  • GRD 168 – Photographic Imaging II
    This course introduces advanced camera operations and photographic production.


  • COM 110- Introduction to Communication
    This course provides an overview of the basic concepts of communication and the skills necessary to communicate in various contexts.
  • GRD 271 – Multimedia Design I
    This course introduces the fundamentals of multimedia design and production for computer-related presentations.


  • GRD 265 – Digital Print Production
    This course covers the preparation of digital files for output and reproduction.
  • GRD 280 – Portfolio Design
    This course covers the organization and presentation of a design/advertising or graphic art portfolio and appropriate related materials.

Paying for College

What is financial aid? Financial aid is money that is given or borrowed to help pay for college. It can come from federal, state, local, school and private entities. North Carolina and the federal government award millions of dollars each year to help students pay for college. Don’t forget Scholarships! Scholarships are gifts. They don’t need to be repaid. There are thousands of them, offered by schools, employers, individuals, private companies, nonprofits, communities, religious groups, and professional and social organizations.

Paying for College
Tuition and Fees
Types of Financial Aid

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Dwight Downie
Graphics Program Chair/Instructor
Printing Services Manager

Lamm (Building 027)
Room 135
Phone: (252) 527-6223, ext. 604
Fax: (252) 233-6879

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