LCC Guarantee

LCC Guarantee Scholarship

The LCC Guarantee scholarship invests in high-achieving students who choose Lenoir Community College as their launching point for college transfer and career opportunities.

Start your college experience at LCC and transfer to a four-year college or university by enrolling in one of our university transfer programs. Save on tuition by taking advantage of the LCC Guarantee!

*Two-Year Tuition & Fees

NC State University Tuition & Fees per year $9,127 – 2 year total: $18,254 100
UNC Chapel Hill Tuition & Fees per year $8,988 – 2 year total: $17,976 100
East Carolina University Tuition & Fees per year $7,324 – 2 year total: $14,648 100
UNC Wilmington Tuition & Fees per year $7,237 – 2 year total: $14,474 100
LCC Guarantee Tuition & Fees 2 year total – FREE for those eligible for LCC Guarantee Scholarship! 100

Did you know that 100% of the course credits in our transfer programs are applied for full credit for the first two years at all of the four–year colleges in the North Carolina university system? There are also transfer opportunities for technical degrees at many of the four-year institutions.
*Tuition and fee data from based on 2019-2020 rates

Eligibility–How to engage your guarantee

  • Graduate from a high school in Lenoir, Jones, or Greene Counties – public, private, or homeschool–with NC resident eligibility
  • Complete 9 CCP credits with a C or better
  • Graduate high school with a 3.0+ unweighted GPA
  • Enroll as a full-time student the following fall semester after high school graduation
  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) located at
  • Complete the LCC Scholarship application by the last Friday in March each year
  • Covers all in-state tuition and fees not covered by financial aid and other scholarships
  • Enroll full-time, at least 12 credit hours (based on degree plan) at LCC in a curriculum Degree, Diploma, or Certificate program
  • Maximum eligibility of 60 credit hours
  • No break in attendance between semesters

Maintain Eligibility–Guaranteed Achievement

  • Complete at least 12 credit hours each semester based on the degree plan
  • Maintain a college GPA of 3.0+ to renew each semester
  • Allow no more than one program of study change
  • Participate in at least one LCC-sponsored club, sport, or work-based learning course each semester
  • Meet two times each semester with the assigned academic advisor
  • Have no discipline-related suspensions

What is and is not covered-Guaranteed Coverage

  • All tuition is covered
  • Required general student fees are covered
  • Book costs and program-specific fees are not covered
  • LCC reserves the right to limit the number of awards. Apply early!

Goals of Scholarship–Guaranteed investment in students and community

  • Provide an affordable avenue to college and reduce the need for student borrowing
  • Reward highly prepared students
  • Encourage students to work hard and achieve in high school
  • Enhance student engagement
  • Produce degreed students who will be employment ready and benefit local economic development

NOTE: This program is available to students seeking their first two-year degree.