Public Safety

Lenoir Community College Public Safety Education Programs offer a variety of classes via the internet and the traditional classroom setting. Our programs are geared for the individual as well as hospital, EMS, fire, or law enforcement personnel who are interested in expanding their knowledge.

The following information is specific to EMS Training programs:

Workforce Development and Continuing Education Programs

The Workforce Development and Continuing Education based EMS programs at Lenoir Community College do not currently offer advanced placement options. These programs include EMT Basic, EMT Basic Fast Track, EMT Basic Outreach, AEMT, AEMT Fast Track, Paramedic Academy, and Paramedic Outreach. Students in these programs are currently not allowed to transfer clinical hours or skills from other programs and must complete the required minimum clinical hours, field hours, and skills assessments to complete the program and be eligible for NCOEMS and NREMT testing.

Degree Programs

The Associate’s Degree in EMS Bridging does allow advanced placement credit toward the degree per the college’s policy for those students who have successfully obtained an EMT Paramedic certification. Students with a current Paramedic certification may be awarded up to 45 credits toward their degree.

The Associate’s Degree in EMS does allow for transfer of credit from other institutions per the college’s credit transfer policy.

The Lenoir Community College Paramedic Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs upon the recommendation of the Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMSP).

To contact CAAHEP:
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs
1361 Park Street
Clearwater, FL 33756

To contact CoAEMSP:
Commission on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions
8301 Lakeview Parkway, Suite 111-312
Rowlett TX 75088
(214) 703-8445
FAX (214) 703-8992

For more information:
LeChea Swinson
Director of Emergency Services

Bullock (Building 003), Room 128B
Phone: (252) 527-6223, ext. 141
Fax: (252) 233-6885

EMS Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. We are fully accredited by CAAHEP which means that students that complete our programs are eligible for the National Registry exam. You are also eligible to take the North Carolina Paramedic certification exam if you choose to do so.
The course is offered in a hybrid format. Hybrid means that some material is offered online and other material is delivered face-to-face. Your readings, homework, quizzes, and section exams will be offered online through Moodle. The online week runs from Monday to Sunday so all online assignments for the week are due by that Sunday evening at 11:59pm, unless otherwise noted. Skills sessions, some lecture, ACLS, PALS, and PHTLS will all be offered during your on-site visit.
Yes, you have to come to main campus as part of your program. Refer to each individual programs on-site requirements for the specific number of on-site visits. These visits are spaced throughout the program.
It depends. Our program has been cleared to allow student clinical/EMS rotations in certain states. Refer to the clinical map in this packet to determine if your state is approved.
Yes, tutoring is available. Students must formally request additional help from their instructor.

2023 Paramedic Programs Outcomes Reporting

NR/NC Written Exam 96.9%
Retention 89.5%
Positive Placement 98.0%
Lenoir Community College does not guarantee reciprocity in other states after completing our EMS programs. Students will be able to test for the National Registry but specific reciprocity guidelines are set by each state’s Office of EMS rules regarding reciprocity. It is the student’s responsibility to check with their home state to determine if reciprocity can be awarded.

For more information:
LeChea Swinson
Director of Emergency Services

Bullock (Building 003), Room 128B
Phone: (252) 527-6223, ext. 141
Fax: (252) 233-6885

LCC Re-credentialing Guidelines for EMS Personnel

All EMS personnel must maintain continuing education hours in order to renew their EMS credential in the state of North Carolina. Those individuals wishing to re-credential through LCC must adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. If you are currently affiliated with an EMS agency that is an active member of an EMS system within the Lenoir Community College service area (Jones, Greene, Lenoir) you must follow that EMS System’s educational plan for validation of required hours and/or Technical Scope of Practice.
  2. Outside EMS Professionals not affiliated with an agency and seeking validation by Lenoir Community College for re-credentialing will not be permitted unless one of the following criteria is met:
  1. Must have obtained all required hours of continuing education through Lenoir Community College’s EMS continuing education courses.
  2. Must have successfully completed a Refresher course given by Lenoir Community College. Technical Scope of Practice is required for this class.
  3. Students in an initial certification course at Lenoir Community College who complete the required hours and subject matter for their current level may be validated for re-credentialing at their current level.

If you do not meet one of the items above, you will not be able to validate your continuing education for re-credentialing through Lenoir Community College.


Payment should be made within 48 hours of the course start date. Payment can be made with one of the following methods:

  • Check or Money Order (Please make payable to Lenoir Community College)
  • Cash (Exact cash is required)


Register online or in person by going to the Bullock Building, Room 128.
Fee Exemption Changes
Occupational Outlook for Paramedics

register now for classes


Student Information Line
Public Safety and Emergency Management Programs

Bullock (Building 001)
Room 128
Phone: (252) 233-6888

Dawn Kantz
Dean of Workforce Development

Bullock (Building 001)
Room 119F
Phone: (252) 527-6223, ext. 730
Fax: (252) 527-2109