Program Intro
The Sustainable Agriculture, AAS–A15410 program that focuses on agricultural principles and practices that, over the long term, enhance environmental quality, make efficient use of nonrenewable resources, integrate natural biological cycles, and controls, and are economically viable and socially responsible; and that may prepare individuals to apply this knowledge to the solution of agricultural and environmental problems. Potential course work includes instruction in principles of agroecology, crop and soil sciences, entomology, horticulture, animal science, weed science and management, soil fertility and nutrient cycling, applied ecology, agricultural economics, and rangeland ecology and watershed management.
Graduates should qualify for a variety of jobs in agricultural businesses such as equipment, feed, and agricultural supply sales; store management; farm operations; wholesale and retail produce management; nursery operations; and environmental and agricultural education.
Curriculum Preview
- AGR 139 – Intro to Sustainable Ag
This course will provide students with a clear perspective on the principles, history, and practices of sustainable agriculture in our local and global communities. - ANS 110 – Animal Science
This course introduces the livestock industry. Topics include nutrition, reproduction, production practices, diseases, meat processing, sustainable livestock production, and marketing.
- AGR 212 – Farm Business Management
This course introduces budgeting, farm analysis, production costs, business organizations, and general management principles. - HOR 142 – Fruit & Vegetable Prod
This course introduces the principles and techniques of growing fruits and field-grown vegetables.
- AGR 121 – Biological Pest Mgmt
This course will emphasize the building and maintaining of healthy soil, plant, and insect biological cycles as the key to pest and disease management. - PSY 150 – General Psychology
This course provides an overview of the scientific study of human behavior.
- AGR 170 – Soil Science
This course covers the basic principles of soil management and fertilization. - HOR 134 – Math Measurement & Literacy
This course covers the principles and procedures involved in the operation and maintenance of greenhouse facilities.
- AGR 220 – Ag Mechanization
This course is a study of farm machinery and agricultural equipment. - WBL 111 – Work-Based Learning
This course provides a work-based learning experience with a college-approved employer in an area related to the student’s program of study.
Paying for College
What is financial aid? Financial aid is money that is given or borrowed to help pay for college. It can come from federal, state, local, school and private entities. North Carolina and the federal government award millions of dollars each year to help students pay for college. Don’t forget Scholarships! Scholarships are gifts. They don’t need to be repaid. There are thousands of them, offered by schools, employers, individuals, private companies, nonprofits, communities, religious groups, and professional and social organizations.